The Negative Effects Of Marijuana Usage

March 25, 2019 @ 1:35 am

Many states in the US have legalized marijuana for both medicinal and recreational purposes. Although this move is hailed has positive, there are many negative effects that are associated with marijuana. There are various kinds of effects that can be experienced from marijuana usage. Some effects are short-term while others are long-term in nature. This article will focus on some of the effects as follows:

Short-term effects

There are various short-term effects of marijuana usage. These include impaired perception, memory problems, poor coordination, poor thinking and problem solving and increased heart rate. Having an effect like impaired perception is especially dangerous if you’re involved in driving. The loss of coordination and poor judgement will make you cause a fatal accident. Other short time effects of marijuana weed dispensary use include anxiety, fear and panic.

Effects on the Brain

The THC compound found in marijuana makes one feel high and paranoid sometimes. When you apply high doses of THC, you will experience hallucinations, delusions, impaired memory, and disorientation. When you have these conditions, you may not behave normally and may need urgent medical attention.

Effects on the Heart

Within a short time of using marijuana, you will experience a high heart rate and a drop in your blood pressure. The increase in the heart rate is dangerous because it can cause other conditions like high blood pressure which may lead to stroke. The users may also be prone to a heart attack.

Effects on Your Bones

Heavy users of marijuana may have their bone density reduced which may lead to conditions like osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Effects on the Lungs

Marijuana usage may lead to a burning sensation in your mouth and throat. Users are also exposed to coughing and may have respiratory problems like the ones found in tobacco smokers. The users are likely to experience frequent chest infections too. The lungs of marijuana smokers are also exposed to cancerous conditions compared to those who smoke tobacco. This is because marijuana users hold the smoke in their lungs for a long period of time. it has been established that marijuana smoke has 3 times higher amount of tar than those found in tobacco smoke. This means that marijuana smokers are more exposed to cancer than tobacco smokers.

Other side effects

It has been found out that THC may impair the immune system from battling the disease-causing pathogens. In this connection, WeedSmart online marijuana smokers are prone to bacterial infections and tumours.

Marijuana and pregnancy

Studies have indicated that expectant women who use marijuana may experience various side effects. The baby born after being exposed to marijuana may have many problems like poor coordination, epilepsy, poor memory etc.