Distinguishing between good quality cannabis and the bad quality cannabis

December 4, 2021 @ 2:50 am

Cannabis is comprised of two compounds. One is CBD or in other terms referred to as cannabidiol, which is a chemical compound that impacts the brain and makes it function better without giving it any high sensation. Two is THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, a compound associated with relieving pain. Just like any other product, there is an importance of buying good quality cannabis.

Distinguishing between good quality cannabis and the bad quality cannabis

Good Quality Cannabis

Good quality cannabis is commonly referred to as premium weed. Other common names associated with this type of cannabis are top-shelf, loud, dank, fire and private reserve. Certain features play a key role in identifying the quality cannabis. Some of these features include the following: A powerful and pleasant aroma from the flower; Flowers that emit stronger smells or aromas tend to give a better experience. Good quality cannabis has flowers ranging from deep green with flaming orange or red hairs to deep purple to bright blue colours. 

Another factor to be considered when choosing good quality cannabis is trichomes. These are small shimmering crystal-like structures on the surface of the plant that create and hold compounds responsible for the flower’s smell, flavour and effects. A flower’s intoxicating and therapeutic vigour is determined by the more the freezing trichomes. Premium weed flowers should feel sticky and slightly spongy when touched or squeezed gently between fingers. The stems should also snap easily and the buds break apart with ease.

Bad Quality Cannabis

The importance of buying good quality cannabis is achieved through having an ability to distinguish between good and bad quality cannabis. Bad quality cannabis is commonly referred to as low-grade weed, ditch, bottom-shelf, bunk, brick or schwag. The following are examples of bad quality cannabis. Bad quality cannabis is associated with a musty or mildew aroma flower smell. This is an indication that the cannabis is compromised or has aged and has therefore degraded. They also have discoloured flowers stemming from age, mould or pesticides and chemicals. Their flowers feel dry and brittle when touched while their buds feel light and airy and crumble easily.

Benefits of Quality Cannabis

The importance of buying good quality cannabis is mirrored from the benefits that are projected as an outcome of the same. The benefits of quality cannabis are as follows. Relieving chronic pain that is made possible by one of cannabis’ major compounds, cannabinoids because of their chemical make-up. Cannabis helps users to lose weight by helping the body regulate insulin and take part in managing calory intake. According to a study, cannabis has been shown to help improve lung capacity instead of harming, unlike smoking cigarettes. Another benefit is that it regulates and prevents diabetes through the impact it has on insulin, stabilising blood pressure, blood sugars as well as improving blood circulation. Other benefits associated with buying good quality cannabis include easing depression, regulating seizures, alleviating anxiety, helping with alcoholism, treatment for glaucoma and many more.

In conclusion, the importance of buying good quality cannabis sprouts from the basic knowledge of identifying the plant. Using the description above, it is possible to consider the benefits of quality cannabis as generally positive feedback.